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  2. All-Russian protest against raising the retirement age in seven photos

All-Russian protest against raising the retirement age in seven photos

"Shameful regiment" in Arkhangelsk, 100 policemen and 200 protesters in Petrozavodsk and a single picket in Yoshkar Ola

by Alexey Molotorenko
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On a single voting day, September 9, an all-Russian protest rally against raising the retirement age was initiated by the politician Alexey Navalny. According to the "OVD-Info", more than a thousand people was detained after it. "7x7" collected the brightest photos from regional actions.


On September 9, about 200 people came to the action against raising the retirement age in Syktyvkar. They gathered near the central pool, and a column marched to Teatralnaya Square, where they talked for about an hour. The police and representatives of the mayor's office, which refused to coordinate the rally, twice warned the crowd that the action was illegal. The siloviki accompanied the protesters, but they did not detain anyone. Read more.



In Smolensk on September 9, activists took part in the all-Russian action against raising the retirement age, initiated by the politician Alexey Navalny. Protesters, accompanied by policemen, marched through the central streets of the city to the building of the regional administration and held a rally at the monument to Lenin. The police made photos and videos, constantly called someone and reported on what was happening, but they did not detain anyone. Read More.



In Petrozavodsk on September 9, a rally against the pension reform took place in the central square. About 200 people and about 100 policemen took part in the protest. Read more.



On Lenin Square activists organized a "shameful regiment", holding portraits of deputies, heads of cities, the governor, the chairman of the government and the president. Read more.



About 300 people came to the action against the pension reform in Kirov on September 9. Its organizers were the supporters of the politician Alexey Navalny, who in late August called for all-Russian protests on a single day of voting. The gathering supported the regional initiative group of the Communist Party to hold a referendum on maintaining the retirement age and opposed registration in the electoral commission of a rival group led by a representative of the United Russia. Read more.



Activist and supporter of Navalny, Vadim Kremnyov, on a single day of voting, September 9, went to a single picket under the Blagoveshchenskaya tower in Yoshkar-Ola with a poster "Born, held out, died, pension." He protested against raising the retirement age in Russia. Read more.



In Kostroma, the action was organized by Alexey Navalny's staff, which was closed at the end of March. By 14:00 about a hundred people gathered on the square, but people continued to arrive. Some held posters with slogans against pension reform, Vladimir Putin and the United Russia party. Read more.

You can find more photos here — Pensions.

Vladimir Prokushev, «7x7»


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