Межрегиональный интернет-журнал «7x7» Новости, мнения, блоги
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  2. Online newspaper 7x7 joined the air pollution assessment campaign of Greenpeace

Online newspaper 7x7 joined the air pollution assessment campaign of Greenpeace

Denis Strelkov
Sheet on the window of 7x7’s editorial office
Photo by Kirill Sheyn
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The editorial board of online newspaper 7x7 joined the Greenpeace Russia campaign of the air quality assessment in Russian cities through the use of white sheets. 7x7 hung out a white sheet out the window of the editorial office in Syktyvkar to assess air pollution. You can also join the campaign — it will end only on February 18.

The campaign aims to be illustrative of the number of different smokeshades in the air that will be visible on a white sheet. The flashmob was launched by the Greenpeace Russia Environmental Organization on February 3. It is going under hashtag #NotAirClear until February 18. Participants are asked to fold up one part of the sheet around a stick, hang the other part out the window, and compare the street and the folded side at the end of the flashmob, then take a photo and post it with the hashtag. Detailed instructions on how to hang a sheet can be found here.


Greenpeace Russia is a division of an international non-governmental environmental organization which originated with the peace movement and anti-nuclear protests in the early 1970s in Canada. Activists advocate a careful attitude to the environment, reducing industrial emissions and rational natural resources use. Greenpeace appeared in Russia in 1989.


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